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Mobb.AI Automatic Security Fixes You Can Trust

AI-powered technology automates vulnerability remediations to significantly reduce security backlogs and frees developers to focus on innovation.

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StartUp City Winner - WHITE-1
Mobb Fixer automatically remediates vulnerabilities in code

Mobb.AI Automatic Security Fixes You Can Trust

AI-powered technology automates vulnerability remediations to significantly reduce security backlogs and frees developers to focus on innovation.


We Fix. You Approve.

Mobb lets you take control of securing code with informed AI to create automatic, accurate, approved fixes.
See How It Works
Mobb Step 1-1

Step 1
Upload SAST results

Mobb Step 2

Step 2
Follow the prompts

Mobb Step 3-1

Step 3
Commit fixed code

Secure your entire
CI/CD pipeline

Keep your code secure throughout the entire
application security life-cycle.

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Group 14

Supporting the most
popular SAST Tools

upload your GitHub, Checkmarx, Snyk, and Fortify SAST findings and let Mobb generate fixes!

Power up your fixes in just one click!

Automatically fix hundreds of reoccurring vulnerabilities in the click of a button with  Mobb "PowerUp" feature.⚡️

Mobb - Power up feature.
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Save over 1,000 dev hours per year!

Use Mobb's remediation cost calculator to see just how much you are spending today.


Total Annual Cost

The total number of findings (both true and false positives) that were reported by your SAST tool in the past month.

The average number of hours it takes a developer to triage a reported finding and either remediate or process it as a false positive.

The Mobb blogs

Mobb Releases Automatic Vulnerability Fixer for Code Repositories

January 23, 2024

Mobb Releases Automatic Vulnerability Fixer for Code Repositories

ChatGPT in Vulnerability Remediation: A Comparative Analysis

November 13th, 2023

ChatGPT in Vulnerability Remediation: A Comparative Analysis

Q&A with Ante Gulam - Mobb Success

September 6th, 2023

Q&A with Anre Gulam, CISO at SumUp


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